24 Jul

Twitch is a common live streaming website that many gamers and content producers use globally. While Twitch offers a great user experience, ads can be a major annoyance when watching your favorite streams. Fortunately, We're going to discuss several ways in this article to avoid Twitch ads on Chrome..

Easy Ways To Twitch Ad Block on chrome

Ad Blocker Extensions

Using an ad blocker extension is one of the most effective methods to prevent Twitch ads on Chrome. Ad blocker extensions work by preventing ads from loading on web pages, including Twitch. AdBlock, uBlock Origin, and AdGuard are just a few of the ad blocker plugins that are available for Chrome. These extensions can be easily added to Chrome and customized to block twitch adblock  and other websites.

Alternate Player for Twitch

Another option to twitch ad block on Chrome is to use an alternate player for Twitch. Alternate players like Twitch Buffed or Alternate Player for Twitch (formerly known as Twitch 5) allow you to watch Twitch streams using a different player, which may not include ads. These players can be added to Chrome as a browser extension and easily configured to work with Twitch.


If you want a twitch ad blocker on all devices connected to your network, you can use Pi-hole. Pi-hole is a network-level ad blocker that works by blocking ads at the DNS level. By setting up Pi-hole on your network, you can block ads on all devices, including your Chrome browser. Setting up Pi-hole requires some technical knowledge and involves configuring your router and installing software on a device like a Raspberry Pi.

Manual Blocking with Hosts File

Blocking Twitch ads on Chrome can also be done manually by editing the hosts file on your computer. The hosts file is a text file that contains website addresses and their IP addresses. By adding Twitch ad servers to the hosts file, you can block ads from loading on Twitch. This method may require some technical knowledge and involves editing system files on your computer, which can be risky if not done correctly.


Blocking Twitch ads on Chrome is possible with the help of ad blocker extensions, alternate players for Twitch, Pi-hole, and manual blocking with the hosts file. Ad blocker extensions are the easiest and most convenient method for blocking Twitch ads on the Chrome browser. Alternate players for Twitch offer another option for users who prefer a different player or want to customize their streaming experience. Pi-hole or manual blocking with the hosts file are more advanced methods that provide system-wide ad blocking. Whichever method you choose, blocking Twitch ads can greatly improve your streaming experience.

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